Since 1995
Stomatology combines a wide range of techniques and procedures, which provide complex care and treatment of oral cavity. Our website goal is to update complex (multidisciplinary) approach and involve experts of different stomatological areas to choose the most effective ways of treatment. Team of experts every time is formed depending on the needs of each specific clinic case. Such approach allows reaching maximum of predicted results of treatment. In addition, this approach distinguishes our stomatological clinic.
Healthy beautiful teeth it’s not only beautiful smile, as the key to success, but the base of health in general. We know that for many people teeth treating is quite sensitive subject, associated with discomfort and negative previous experience. Every patient can dissolve his teeth problems with maximum comfort if he will pay attention on professionalism and qualifications of doctors, technical equipment of clinic, the use of advances technologies and modern materials, and reasonable prices. It is important to have individual approach to each patient.
For example, about 50 % of patients that came to us recently have had quite serious stomatological treatment in other clinics, but they feel discomfort or are unsatisfied with results. What factors cause that? Thirst of all not every stomatological clinic considers some of them: unsufficient examination, rush or time limits, unplanned treatment. Stomatological clinic “Stomatprofy” consists of a team of specialists, each of whom knows his business well and will be able to find right approach, even to the most demanding patient! In our team, we have specialists in all areas of stomatology: therapy, surgery, orthopedics, orthodontics, endodontics and gnathology. They will resolve any stomatological problem in L’viv and treat any complication on the highest level thanks to the modern equipment and materials.
Every stomatologist understand that in difficult cases even best specialists not always can help to the patient by themselves. The basic idea of our work is the unique team approach in stomatology that was produced through the years by the same doctors including experience of foreign partners and stomatological research institutes. If the patient has small problem with teeth like caries, therapist-stomatologist will resolve it. In serious cases, for example, absence of teeth, malocclusion we invite to consult several specialists: orthopedist, orthodontist and implantologist. Only modern stomatology in L’viv “Stomatprofy” with the team is able to make wright plan for treatment and put it into practice, providing truly high-quality stomatological services.
Team approach means not only involvement of several specialists. This approach assume that every participant of the treatment has experience and knowledge in their field and also understand the capabilities of other participants of the treatment and difficulties they may encounter. Perspective on the problem and resolving method can be different for each of the team members. Thanks to joint efforts, specialists of “Stomatprofy” team are able to identify the problem as accurate as possible and to find the most effective way to resolve them. No matter what complexity problem is and who treats – a specialist or a team, we don’t forget about main goal of stomatology, that poses to provide the best treatment for our patients.
Dentistry and Lviv share a long history. First mention of a dentistry department at medical institute in Lviv University is dated back to 1828 . Lviv school of dentistry without a doubt is the oldest in Ukraine. Just like predecessors, our experts create new stories every day. The main characters of these stories are our delighted clients with beaming smile, because this formula turns out to be genuine: