Periodontitis is inflammation and destructive disease when gums inflammation devolve on other periodontal tissue destroying teeth-gum conjunctions what in the end causes destroying of bone tissue of alveolar appendix and periodontal.
Today periodontitis spreads very widely. Studies show that practically every person after 35 in one way or another has similar diseases observed that could cause mobility of the teeth and if treatment will begin in bad time – loss of teeth. This disease can be detected not immediately and this is it cunning. Main goal of periodontics treatment is creating of healthy attached gums, which can be fundament for orthopedic constructions, dental implantation and own natural teeth. It is very important to use modern methods of prevention and treatment of periodontitis. This would give opportunity in the early stages to cure periodontitis, predict hard complication forms of disease and avoid exacerbation.
Periodontics is divided on two parts: therapeutic and surgeries. In prevention and treatment of this disease more important role to play includes surgery method because in most cases only surgery is able to eliminate inflammation in periodontal tissue and promotes suspension of destructive process in alveolar bone. Methods and tools of local and common physiotherapy, medication influence and orthopedic surgeries are additional settling factors of surgery treatment.
Today technics of surgery treatment of periodontal are diverse. The most important in the field of primary prevent of periodontal is surgery of oral correction. Closing of gums recession, creating gums volume, gums curettage, plastic of soft tissues, patchwork surgery. Thanks to surgery treatment it is possible reaching of maximum improvements of functional and structural condition of periodontal tissue. It is very important to define most rational sort or combination several types of surgery that depends of available information.
Esthetic periodontics is one of most important destination of esthetic stomatology, which mainly deals with resolving problems of “pink esthetic”. This field of stomatology includes extension of coronal tooth, deleting of gums recession, creating of natural beautiful gums line in the area of natural teeth, crowns or implants. Esthetic result reaches using modern surgery tools and laser, depending on information and skills of doctor-periodontist. Esthetic periodontics provides tight cooperation with doctor-orthopedist that would guarantee stability of periodontics manipulations.
Therapeutic periodontics is medication treatment that combines with physiotherapy methods. It includes preventive, symptomatic or supporting treatment that improves condition of tissue around teeth.
What is the purpose of this treatment? Bacteria inhabit the human mouth; most of them are harmless because people peacefully coexist these them. Herewith excessive amount of bacteria can cause disease. Support of normal microflora of the mouth is the goal of prevention therapy. Supporting and symptomatic treatment is necessary even than inflammatory processes already has started or are on the remission stage. For example, in usual gums inflammation ointment are used, they facilitate manifestation of symptoms and destroy pathogens.