Nikolushyn Orest
Dental technician
1992 – graduated Lviv Medical College
1992-1995 – worked as a technician in Drogobych Dental Policlinic
Since 1995 – has a private practice
Since 2009 - cooperation with “Stomatprofi” clinic.
Theoretical and practical improvements
Took a course at the Ukrainian-German educational and medical center “DINARICHSTOM” of dental technician training program with course of foundry (Kyiv Central Basin Clinic).
Practical and theoretical course on ceramics VITA OMEGA 900 (Jersy Oslow, Poland).
Took part at the international seminar “Esthetics in ceramics and technique of wax modeling” (Lviv).
Clasp prosthesis BEGO EASY LIFT / Ancora Geschiebetechnik (Germany).
Took part at the international seminar “Modern manufacturing technologies of metal-free and metal-ceramic constructions” (Lviv).
Implantology scientific and practical conference (Kyiv).
ACADEMIA DENTAL «International School BEGO Germany» 1 June-1 July 2005 (Germany).
Clasp prosthesis and key fastening MICRODENT-ATTACHMENT GMBH & CO/KG (Breckerfeld, Germany).
XII dental congress in Lodz (Poland).
International conference Quintessenz “Implants: Idea-Art-Practice” (Poland).
Impalntology step-by-step ANKYLOS (Kyiv).
Articulation, function, practical course ARCUS DIGMA & PROTAR evo System (Germany).
III Congress of Stomathologists-Orthopedists and Dental Technitians in the third East European Congress of stomatological implantation problems (Lviv).
“Articular foundations. Practical use of articulation systems Protar and facial arc Arcus” (O.Statovska, Lviv).
Theoretical and practice course “Application of zirconium oxide in implantology” (Yves Probst, Lviv).
Training course “Challenges in esthetic implantology” (Kyiv).
Work with ceramic VITA VM 13 (Truskavets).
Theoretical seminar “Occlusion fundaments” (Hugo V.Shmidt (USA), Lviv).
Scientific and practical conference “Modern technologies of stomatological implantation” (Truskavets).
Theoretical and practical seminar “Basic course of prosthetics on implants (based on MIS system)” (Borys Fridzon, Lviv).
Practical course of technical casting of different constructions by technology Bredent, A.Sabath (A.Sabath, Lviv).
Prosthetics on implants “DentLine” (Eitan Krause, Ilan Gilboa, Kyiv).
Specialized course on zirconium oxide “Prettau Bridge, Zirkonzahn” (George Valsher, Germany).
Lecture “Occlusion” (Johan Peters, Kyiv).
Master class “New technologies in modern tooth-technical laboratory with using of CAD/CAM system Zeno Tec” (Neofytos Minassidis, Horst Koinih, Lviv).
Practical course “Morphology and Esthetics” BEGO ACADEMIA DENTAL (Germany).
Lecture- show “Art&Experience Power of light. The highest esthetics of indirect restorations. Dental Photography” (Claude Sieber, Kyiv).
IV Symposium of Stomatologists-Orthopedics and Dental Technicians (Lviv).
Dental school “Rational using of compass in wax modeling” (Johan Peters, Germany).
Theoretical and practice seminar “Mane conceptions of planning modern restoration orthopedic treatment” (Zinaida Zhehulovych, Lviv).
Dental school “Rational using of compass in wax modeling” (Johan Peters, Germany).
Theoretical and practice course “Patient rehabilitation with significant adentia. Fixation and stabilization of orthopedic constructions with help of telescopic elements” (Boris Fridzon, Lviv).
Specialized course on zirconium oxide “Prettau Bridge, Zirkonzahn II” (George Valshe, Germany).
VI International Congress (Kyiv).
Practical and theoretic course “Technical composite CERAMAGE. Ceramic Vintage Halo” (Crimea, Yalta).
Theoretical and practical course “Planning and wax modeling of I, II and III occlusion classes, practical producing of temporary construction” (Gregor Slavicek, Germany, Stuttgard).
Theoretical and practical seminar “Holistic approach in treatment and rehabilitation of stomatological patients” (Alexandr Chechin, Lviv).
Theoretical and practical seminar “Holistic approach in treatment and rehabilitation of stomatological patients (Modul II)” (Alexandr Chechin, Lviv).
Theoretical and practical course “Milling of zirconium oxide CAD/CAM MILLING A” (Patrizio Corso, Italy, Brunico).
Theoretical and practical course “Properties and processes of press-ceramic, VARIO PRESS” (Kristoff Frank, Mukachevo).
Since 2009 leads own courses of planning orthopedic rehabilitation of patients and occlusion.